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source of protein 意味

"source of protein"の例文


  • タンパク質源
  • source     source n. (もの 事の)源泉; 原因; 水源(地); 源; 出所, 筋; 資料. 【動詞+】 cite one's sources
  • protein     protein n. たんぱく質. 【動詞+】 It builds body protein. それは体のたんぱく質を作る Milk
  • source of     《be ~》~の源泉{げんせん}[もと]である、~を生む[生み出す?作り出す]
  • protein source    protein source 蛋白源 たんぱくげん
  • source of protein(s)    source of protein(s) 蛋白源 たんぱくげん
  • good source of protein    良いタンパク源
  • principal source of animal protein for people    人々{ひとびと}にとって動物性{どうぶつせい}タンパク質の重要{じゅうよう}な供給源{きょうきゅうげん}
  • protein     protein n. たんぱく質. 【動詞+】 It builds body protein. それは体のたんぱく質を作る Milk also contains proteins and fats. ミルクにはまたたんぱく質と脂肪が含まれている decompose and assimilate food proteins 食物のたんぱく質を分解して吸収
  • protein a    protein A Aタンパク質[医生]
  • s protein    S protein Sたんぱく[医生]
  • at source    源で、根源で
  • source     source n. (もの 事の)源泉; 原因; 水源(地); 源; 出所, 筋; 資料. 【動詞+】 cite one's sources 引用の出典をあげる create new sources of racial antagonism 新たな人種的反目の原因を生みだす credit the source of an article 記事の出所を明
  • source of    《be ~》~の源泉{げんせん}[もと]である、~を生む[生み出す?作り出す]
  • the source    the source 水源地 すいげんち
  • protein protein association    


  • it was the cheapest source of protein in america .
  • shut up , this is the best source of protein !
    うるさい これが一番のタンパク源なんだ
  • recycled fabricants are a cheap source of protein .
  • my vital source of protein ...
  • my vital source of protein ...
  • if we put more bugs in our food , we'd have a much cheaper and better source of protein .
    食べ物に多くの虫を入れたら タンパク質のはるかに安く より良く接種できる
  • as a commonly available source of protein , octopus has been consumed as food in coastal areas worldwide .
  • as natto is rich in vitamin k which is vital for producing blood coagulation factors and the protein derived from soybeans , the food is still considered as an important source of protein .
  • with staple food , miso soup especially enhanced the appetite together with side dishes and soya beans in miso , a major source of protein when japanese food was lacking in protein and this also helped to restore salt lost from sweating doing physical labor .
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